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CX288 - Papers of Ivor Wynne Jones, Journalist and Author
1 - Papers re Conwy CBC
2 - Papers re North Wales or Wales as whole
3 - Papers re non-Welsh and other subjects
4 - Newspapers.
5 - Ivor Wynne Jones Papers, additional deposit April 2008
6 - Ivor Wynne Jones Papers, additional deposit April 2010
1 - Papers Regarding Conwy County
2 - Papers Regarding Wales
3 - Papers Regarding Non-Welsh Subjects
1 - Lili Marleen
2 - FLOPPY DISK: 'Cairo - History Today'
3 - FLOPPY DISK: 'Gohagan Chicago'
4 - FLOPPY DISK: 'Siam'
5 - FLOPPY DISK: [List of Plates and Place Name Index for 'Victorian Slate Mining' Book]
6 - LECTURE: 'Victorian Slate Mining'
7 - Radio Broadcasting
1 - MAGAZINES: 'Short-Wave Magazine'
2 - BUNDLES: 'Wireless at War in the Middle East'
3 - BUNDLE: 'British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS)'
4 - CORRESPONDENCE: [Near East Arab Broadcasting Station]
5 - FLOPPY DISK: 'FBS2 Overflow'
7 - BUNDLE: [Correspondence, Articles and Magazines on The Forces Radio Networks BFN, BFBS & SSUC]
8 - VOLUME: 'Levantine Waves - Wireless At War in the Middle East'
9 - BOOK: 'Levantine Waves: Wireless At War in the Middle East' [Transcript]
10 - BUNDLE: [Notes and Newspaper Cuttings Regarding Broadcasting in the Near East]
11 - CORRESPONDENCE: [Research on the German 'Zeesen' Short Wave Centre]
12 - FLOPPY DISK: 'Sharq Al-Adna Story'
13 - FLOPPY DISK: 'Levantine Waves'
15 - VOLUME: 'Droitwich Calling'
16 - CORRESPONDENCE: 'British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS) in Germany'
17 - FLOPPY DISK: 'Levantine Waves'
18 - CD: 'Levantine Waves, Revised Spy Books, Spies, Welsh in Egypt'
4 - Newspapers
5 - Personal
6 - Additional Digital Records
7 - Ivor Wynne Jones Papers, additional deposit January 2024
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