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CX288 - Papers of Ivor Wynne Jones, Journalist and Author
1 - Papers re Conwy CBC
2 - Papers re North Wales or Wales as whole
1 - Files created by IWJ as CX288/1/1
1 - A470 Road
2 - Agriculture
3 - AIDS
4 - Air Wreck Review
5 - Anglo-Welsh Writing
6 - 400th Anniversary of Welsh Bible
7 - Arson - I.R.A.
8 - [Aspects of Wales]
9 - Assembly Election
10 - A.T. Johnson, Caradog Evans, Dai Smith
11 - 'Attack from the West'.
12 - Attractions Advisory Committee.
13 - Aviation Clwyd.
14 - Aviation References.
15 - Banks and Money.
16 - Bathing Beauties.
17 - B.B.C.
18 - 'Best of North Wales'.
19 - Boundary Commission.
20 - Boundary Review.
21 - Boundary Review, file 2.
22 - Bridges of Wales.
23 - Broadcasting & TV, file 3. Welsh Select Committee 1980-81, local radio, BBC, Marcher.
24 - Bryn Terfel.
25 - Caravans.
26 - Cardiff.
27 - Census.
28 - Cestyll '83
29 - Chernobyl
30 - Chernobyl +2.
31 - Church in Wales.
32 - Church in Wales.
33 - Church in Wales:
34 - Church in Wales:
35 - Church Unity.
36 - Conservative Conference.
37 - Conservative Conference.
38 - Council for the Principality.
39 - Council Tax.
40 - Critcism of W.T.B & W.O strategy.
41 - Crosville & Tram Co.
42 - Design Centre .
43 - Devolution Bill.
44 - Devolution Post.
45 - Disabled Visitors.
46 - Dylan Thomas.
47 - Election:
48 - Election (Senate) and after.
49 - E.E.C & Wales, file 1.
50 - E.E.C & Wales, file 2.
51 - Falklands MS.
52 - Freemasonry.
53 - General Election.
54 - General Election
55 - Gohagan Chicago
56 - Gwynedd 'Racist' Case.
57 - Gypsies.
58 - The Hangman in Wales.
59 - Heritage.
60 - History Curriculum
61 - [? Holy Grail].
62 - HTV Cymru Wales.
63 - Hydro-Electric Generation.
64 - Illustrations for Regiments of Wales.
65 - Immigration
66 - Industry Year.
67 - Institute for Welsh Affairs.
68 - Janet Jones.
69 - Japan.
70 - K6 Kiosk.
71 - Labour Conference, File 2.
72 - The Labour Party.
73 - Liberal Conference.
74 - Life Boats of North Wales.
75 - Liverpool Bay Dumping.
76 - Liverpool Welsh.
77 - Local Government Reorganisation.
78 - Local Government Review, File 1.
79 - Luftwaffe Wales.
80 - Makers of Wales A.D. 2000.
81 - Maps of Britain/Wales.
82 - Mid Wales Tourism.
83 - Money for All.
84 - Music other than Grand Opera.
85 - [National Eisteddfod].
86 - North-South Air Service.
87 - North Wales Police Inquiry.
88 - Nuclear Weapons, C.N.D.
89 - Nudism in Wales.
90 - Offshore Islands of North Wales.
91 - Opera at Theatr Clwyd & at Theatr Gwynedd.
92 - Opera Biographies.
93 - [Plaid Cymru].
94 - Plaid Cymru 1.
95 - Plaid Cymru, File 2 (limbo).
96 - Plaid Cymru.
97 - Plaid Cymru, Independence .
98 - Plaid Cymru Leadership.
99 - Ports & Harbours of North Wales.
100 - [Presbyterian Church of Wales - General Assembly].
101 - Prince of Wales.
102 - Prince of Wales.
103 - Prince of Wales.
104 - Prince of Wales Awards.
105 - Prince of Wales Committee.
106 - Prince of Wales Committee.
107 - Prince of Wales Committee.
108 - Public Transport Review.
109 - Q.D.G. Germany.
110 - Q.D.G. Germany
111 - Rail Electrification.
112 - Railways, File 2.
113 - Railways & Transport.
114 - Railways - Serpell.
115 - Regiments of Wales.
116 - Rev. R.S. Thomas.
117 - [R.S. Thomas].
118 - Rome.
119 - Royal visits to Wales.
120 - Salmonella.
121 - Scouting & Llechwedd.
122 - Seal of Approval, W.T.B. [Wales Tourist Board]
123 - Second Homes Controversy.
124 - Sewage Pollution.
125 - Sex in Wales.
126 - S4C, File 2, Origins (A) Political, (B) Practical.
127 - S4C file 4, 1983, 1984 & run up to end of first three years.
128 - Shell Oil Terminal & Pollution.
129 - Shelley & Tan-yr-Allt.
130 - Slate Dust.
131 - Slate M.S.
132 - South Wales Valleys.
133 - Swansea & Gower.
134 - TV Franchises.
135 - TV in the 90s.
136 - Ten Top.
137 - Theatre & Cinema.
138 - Tourism and Arts.
139 - Tourism & Welsh Culture.
140 - Tourism in Wales, File 2.
141 - Tourism in Wales, File 3.
142 - Tourism in Wales, File 4.
143 - Tourism in Wales, File 5.
144 - Tourism in Wales, File 6.
145 - Toxic Waste.
146 - Virgin.
147 - 'Wales at War 1939-1945' by Ivor Wynne Jones.
148 - Wales Tourism, File 1.
149 - W.T.B. [Wales Tourist Board]
150 - Wales Tourist Board, File 1.
151 - Wales Tourist Board, file 2.
152 - Wales Tourist Board Inquiry, File 1.
153 - Wales Tourist Board Inquiry, File 2.
154 - Wales Tourist Board Reorganisation.
155 - W.T.B. [Wales Tourist Board]
156a - W.T.B. Reorganisation. [Wales Tourist Board]
156b - BUNDLE:
157 - W.T.B. Welsh Tourist Board.
158 - W.T.B. [Wales Tourist Board]
159 - Water.
160 - Water.
161 - Water Privatisation, File 1.
162 - Water Privatisation.
163 - Welsh Arts Council
164 - Welsh Arts Limbo .
165 - Welsh Association of Visitor Attractions.
166 - WAVA newsletter.
167 - Welsh Conservation Conference.
168 - W.D.A. & Regional Industrial policy. [Welsh Development Agency]
169 - Welsh Language.
170 - Welsh Language Act Conference.
171 - Welsh Language Census.
172 - Welsh Language Education.
173 - Welsh Language Extremists
174 - [The Welsh Office].
175 - W.N.O. other than Llandudno. [Welsh national Opera]
176 - Welsh Nazis.
177 - Welsh Office Funding.
178 - Welsh Opera Finances.
179 - Welsh Opera House & St David's Hall.
180 - [The Welsh Philatelic Society].
181 - Welsh Secretaries, File 1.
182 - Welsh Secretaries, File 2.
183 - Welsh Select N.H.S., File 2.
184 - W.S.L.D.P.
185 - Welsh Spies, File 1.
186 - Welsh Spies, File 2.
187 - Welsh Spies, File 3.
188 - Welsh TV, File 1.
189 - Welsh Union of Writers.
190 - Welsh Volunteers.
191 - Welsh Water Authority Reorganisation.
192 - Welsh Wireless Pioneers.
193 - Wind Energy.
194 - Year of the Environment.
2 - Miscellaneous items
3 - Papers re non-Welsh and other subjects
4 - Newspapers.
5 - Ivor Wynne Jones Papers, additional deposit April 2008
6 - Ivor Wynne Jones Papers, additional deposit April 2010
7 - Ivor Wynne Jones Papers, additional deposit January 2024
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