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Collapse CP48 - Photographs: Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science, Conwy.CP48 - Photographs: Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science, Conwy.
Expand 1 - Series of H.P. glass negatives1 - Series of H.P. glass negatives
Expand 4 - SERIES of Lantern Slides4 - SERIES of Lantern Slides
Collapse 5 - BUNDLES of Loose Photographs by Subject5 - BUNDLES of Loose Photographs by Subject
Collapse 1 - The Site and Work of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries mussel purification station in Conwy [and successor authorities].1 - The Site and Work of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries mussel purification station in Conwy [and successor authorities].
Expand 1 - Site photographs showing the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries site above Benarth Road, Conwy, at various stages in its development.1 - Site photographs showing the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries site above Benarth Road, Conwy, at various stages in its development.
Expand 2 - Machinery and equipment installed for the running of the mussel tanks: view of the engine house; the pump [referred to in C/P/48/2 as having festoons of pipes with five unnecessary bends, which was soon replaced with the smaller pump on the right].2 - Machinery and equipment installed for the running of the mussel tanks: view of the engine house; the pump [referred to in C/P/48/2 as having festoons of pipes with five unnecessary bends, which was soon replaced with the smaller pump on the right].
Expand 3 - Castle Bank, Conwy.  This was originally used as the office and laboratory accommodation for The Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.  Includes the front elevation, with its distinctive stepped gables; the side, showing building work; the side yard, also showing excavations.3 - Castle Bank, Conwy. This was originally used as the office and laboratory accommodation for The Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Includes the front elevation, with its distinctive stepped gables; the side, showing building work; the side yard, also showing excavations.
Expand 4 - Views of the mussel and oyster tanks at Conwy.  Includes empty tanks awaiting delivery of mussels for purification; empty tank showing spat collectors; full tanks showing 'bouquets' of tiles for oysters; full tanks with mussels in the process of cleansing; grids stacked around perimeters of tanks; tanks with centre vehicles parked beyond; the tanks covered in thick ice.4 - Views of the mussel and oyster tanks at Conwy. Includes empty tanks awaiting delivery of mussels for purification; empty tank showing spat collectors; full tanks showing 'bouquets' of tiles for oysters; full tanks with mussels in the process of cleansing; grids stacked around perimeters of tanks; tanks with centre vehicles parked beyond; the tanks covered in thick ice.
Expand 5 - Mussel purification at Conwy.  Includes purification tank B resembling in all essentials the commercially operated mussel tanks at Conwy, showing pump, suction hose and [delivery] hose, final shell sterilisation is in progress [mussels can be seen submerged in water]; purification tank B empty of water, mussels can clearly be seen covering the base of the tank; reconditioning tank A to which the water from [purification tank] A is pumped for chlorination, followed by aeration and de-chlorination.  Three of the nine diffusion plates as used for [activated sludge] can be seen, each having its own control valve, thus providing even aeration.  The large pipes at the back of the tank were installed for other experimental work for which the tank was originally designed; reconditioning tank A showing aeration and de-chlorination in progress; [small pump] and battery jar showing aeration of used sea water after chlorination and before re-use; view through open door of refrigerator of a battery jar containing mussels [experiments on cleansing of mussels at low temperatures]; two battery jars each containing seawater made turbid by a small quantity of Fullers earth, the left hand jar contains no mussels while the right hand jar contains thirty mussels which have just been immersed, a dark wooden bar placed behind both jars is barely visible through the water; the same jars two hours later, the left hand jar looks exactly the same, the right hand jar now contains clear water and the mussels and the wooden bar behind the jar are clearly visible; exterior view of semi-scale plant, showing tall aeration tank in the foreground, and shed containing mussel cleansing tank, pump, compressor, etc. in background; interior view of semi-scale tank showing pump, compressor, oil [fitter], air-flow meter and pipe conveying compressed air to aeration tank; mussels in semi-scale tank being hosed for external cleaning; measured dose of chlorine being added whilst supernatant water is being pumped from cleansing tank to aeration tank.
[2 series of photographs, C/P/48/5/1/5/1-4 containing 4 photographs plus 2 duplicates [enlargements], original number 1-4; C/P/48/5/1/5/5-12 containing 8 photographs, original number If/2/4-5,7-8,10-13.  All photographs have writing on dorse.]    
5 - Mussel purification at Conwy. Includes purification tank B resembling in all essentials the commercially operated mussel tanks at Conwy, showing pump, suction hose and [delivery] hose, final shell sterilisation is in progress [mussels can be seen submerged in water]; purification tank B empty of water, mussels can clearly be seen covering the base of the tank; reconditioning tank A to which the water from [purification tank] A is pumped for chlorination, followed by aeration and de-chlorination. Three of the nine diffusion plates as used for [activated sludge] can be seen, each having its own control valve, thus providing even aeration. The large pipes at the back of the tank were installed for other experimental work for which the tank was originally designed; reconditioning tank A showing aeration and de-chlorination in progress; [small pump] and battery jar showing aeration of used sea water after chlorination and before re-use; view through open door of refrigerator of a battery jar containing mussels [experiments on cleansing of mussels at low temperatures]; two battery jars each containing seawater made turbid by a small quantity of Fullers earth, the left hand jar contains no mussels while the right hand jar contains thirty mussels which have just been immersed, a dark wooden bar placed behind both jars is barely visible through the water; the same jars two hours later, the left hand jar looks exactly the same, the right hand jar now contains clear water and the mussels and the wooden bar behind the jar are clearly visible; exterior view of semi-scale plant, showing tall aeration tank in the foreground, and shed containing mussel cleansing tank, pump, compressor, etc. in background; interior view of semi-scale tank showing pump, compressor, oil [fitter], air-flow meter and pipe conveying compressed air to aeration tank; mussels in semi-scale tank being hosed for external cleaning; measured dose of chlorine being added whilst supernatant water is being pumped from cleansing tank to aeration tank. [2 series of photographs, C/P/48/5/1/5/1-4 containing 4 photographs plus 2 duplicates [enlargements], original number 1-4; C/P/48/5/1/5/5-12 containing 8 photographs, original number If/2/4-5,7-8,10-13. All photographs have writing on dorse.]
Collapse 6 - LABORATORY scenes.  Includes top covered tank with electric power points, [fuse box], small [cistern-shaped tank] on wall mounted shelf, pipes connected to upright [? tank], [cables] connected to [? power unit or tank]; [? Phaerdactylum] culture in greenhouse, row of [metal] containers, each containing a smaller glass [tank] covered by a sheet of glass; laboratory equipment [glass jars and containers]; [water] filled [glass] tanks containing [oysters]; [water] filled containers, each containing a rack of oysters; oyster spat trays, partially submerged in water, a pipe across the tank is feeding small jets of [water] down into the tank and trays; rows of laboratory equipment, glass containers connected up to tubes and pipes; [oyster larvae] rearing vessels, large plastic bins or tubs, each bin or tub filled to the 125l marker and covered by a [?plastic or Perspex] cover, tubes are connected to each tub through the covers;  shots of [scientists or technicians] examining and [filling or emptying] the tubs;  [scientist or technician] examining trays of [oyster spat];  hosing a tray of [oyster spat], tray held over a large [plastic] funnel, supported by a funnel stand, both funnel and stand in a [tray base];  [?brushing or coating] the [lid of a oyster tub];  pouring liquid into a funnel in the sink;  part of a [?pump or compressor] and other laboratory equipment;  views of laboratory;  three shelves of round-belly flasks, containing various levels and types of liquid, shelves in front of window through which part of Conwy Castle can be seen;  glass jars containing [?Crustaceans];  scientists examining mussels;  scientist measuring a lobster, lobster pot [creel] in view; scientist or technician examining [mussel] in [Castle Bank] laboratory;  examining slide under a microscope;  Webb's oyster performance recorder.
[47 photographs including duplicates and enlargements.
12 are copyright of World Fishing Commercial Exhibitions and Publications Ltd, 4 are copyright of A J Lennie, Press, Llandudno [some are proof copies] and 3 are Crown copyright.]
6 - LABORATORY scenes. Includes top covered tank with electric power points, [fuse box], small [cistern-shaped tank] on wall mounted shelf, pipes connected to upright [? tank], [cables] connected to [? power unit or tank]; [? Phaerdactylum] culture in greenhouse, row of [metal] containers, each containing a smaller glass [tank] covered by a sheet of glass; laboratory equipment [glass jars and containers]; [water] filled [glass] tanks containing [oysters]; [water] filled containers, each containing a rack of oysters; oyster spat trays, partially submerged in water, a pipe across the tank is feeding small jets of [water] down into the tank and trays; rows of laboratory equipment, glass containers connected up to tubes and pipes; [oyster larvae] rearing vessels, large plastic bins or tubs, each bin or tub filled to the 125l marker and covered by a [?plastic or Perspex] cover, tubes are connected to each tub through the covers; shots of [scientists or technicians] examining and [filling or emptying] the tubs; [scientist or technician] examining trays of [oyster spat]; hosing a tray of [oyster spat], tray held over a large [plastic] funnel, supported by a funnel stand, both funnel and stand in a [tray base]; [?brushing or coating] the [lid of a oyster tub]; pouring liquid into a funnel in the sink; part of a [?pump or compressor] and other laboratory equipment; views of laboratory; three shelves of round-belly flasks, containing various levels and types of liquid, shelves in front of window through which part of Conwy Castle can be seen; glass jars containing [?Crustaceans]; scientists examining mussels; scientist measuring a lobster, lobster pot [creel] in view; scientist or technician examining [mussel] in [Castle Bank] laboratory; examining slide under a microscope; Webb's oyster performance recorder. [47 photographs including duplicates and enlargements. 12 are copyright of World Fishing Commercial Exhibitions and Publications Ltd, 4 are copyright of A J Lennie, Press, Llandudno [some are proof copies] and 3 are Crown copyright.]
1 - Small Scale Tanks and Electrical Apparatus
2 - Tanks Showing Electrical Apparatus and Pipework
3 - Full Glass Tanks and Associated Apparatus in Greenhouse
4 - Bell Jar and Beakers Plus Equipment
5 - Glass Tanks and Piping
6 - Glass Tanks and Piping
7 - Five Glass Tanks Containg Oysters and Associated Pipework
8 - Oysters in Small Tanks
9 - Ten Small Tanks Containing Oysters plus Pipework
10 - Oysters on Racks in Small Tanks with Water Flowing Through
11 - Oysters on Racks in Small Tanks with Water Flowing Through
12 - Small Tanks Containing Small Shellfish with Water Flowing into Tanks
13 - Oyster Spat Trays in 450 Litre Tank with Flowing Water.
14 - Oyster Spat Tray in 450 Litre Tank with Flowing Water.
15 - Shellfish in Glass Tanks within Larger Tanks Inside Greenhouse with Pipework
16 - Glass Beakers within Tank fed by Glass Pipework
17 - Glass Beakers within Tank fed by Glass Pipework with More Equipment Visible
18 - Four Stoppered Glass Jars within Tank with Associated Pipework
19 - Technician Working on Large Glass Jars and Associated Equipment
20 - Bank of Six Full Large Glass Jars, Overhead Pipework and Gantry in view
21 - Bank of Six Full Large Glass Jars, Overhead Pipework and Gantry in view
22 - Bank of Six Full Large Glass Jars showing Detail of Associated Pipework
23 - Bank of Four Full Large Glass Jars showing Detail of Gantry Pipework
24 - Bank of Three Full Large Glass Jars showing Detail of Gantry Pipework
25 - Seven Tubs with Pipes Supplying Water to Them
26 - Two 125 Litre Vessels with Lids and Pipework
27 - Two 125 Litre Vessels with Lids and Pipework
28 - Bank of Five 125 Litre Full Vessels with Pipework
29 - Three Full 125 Litre Vessels with Tanks above and Pipework
30 - Technician Filling 125 Litre Vessel marked Oysters
31 - Person Examining inside of Full 125 Litre Vessel marked Oysters
32 - Technician Examining Plate Containing Tiny Shellfish above Water Tanks
33 - Technician Washing Down Tiny Shellfish in Tray above Funnel
34 - Technician Washing Down Tiny Shellfish in Tray above Funnel
35 - Technician Brushing Flat Plate Over Tray in Sink
36 - Technician Filling Tank in Sink
37 - Complex Machinery Associated with Pipework
38 - View of Equipment on Laboratory Bench Alongside Tank
39 - View of Equipment and Tank in Laboratory
40 - General View of Laboratory
41 - Glass Flasks with Beakers on Window Shelves
42 - Glass Tanks containing Juvenile Lobsters
43 - Two People Examining Trays Containing Open Mussels
44 - Person Measuring and Recording Lobster on Bench with Lobster Pot Alongside
45 - Technician Examining Open Mussel at Laboratory Bench
46 - Person Using Microscope at Laboratory Bench
47 - Webb's oyster performance recorder at side of Large Empty Tank
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous Photographs Associated With the Work of the Laboratory7 - Miscellaneous Photographs Associated With the Work of the Laboratory
Expand 2 - Conwy Mussel Men and Staff of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries mussel purification station 2 - Conwy Mussel Men and Staff of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries mussel purification station
Expand 3 - Work with Oysters3 - Work with Oysters
Expand 6 - SERIES of Photographs6 - SERIES of Photographs
7 - BOX of Prints
8 - BOX of Slides, Negatives, Contact Prints and Film
9 - SERIES of three albums
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