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Canlyniadau Chwilio / Search Results
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CP337 - Photograph Album and Photographs of 'Old Mills in Wales'
1 - Album
1 - View of a 'far West factory and dwelling'.
2 - The 'Singers factory'.
3 - A 'Country factory'.
4 - A 'Factory'.
5 - 'Country factory'.
6 - A building [poss. the rear of CP337/1/5] in poor condition, with broken windows and an overgrown waterwheel.
7 - A Mill.
8 - 'The Bards factory and dwelling'.
9 - Up-river view of Penmachno Woollen Mill.
10 - ' Rural mill in N.Wales'.
11 - Interior of a factory.
12 - Weaving
13 - 'The Happy Fisherman'.
14 - 'The Singer'.
15 - 'An Octogenerian Manufacturer'.
16 - An interior image of a mill with a woman in the foreground operating the 'Spinning billy'.
17 - 'An ancient devil'.
18 - Carding engines.
19 - Interior image of a Spinning Jenny.
20 - 'Hand mule spinning'.
21 - ' A spinsters factory and staff'.
22 - 'Card room' at the Spinsters factory.
23 - ' Spinning room' at the spinsters factory. With a woman operating machinery.
24 - ' A spinners factory, the power plant'.
25 - ' Carding engines and the staff'.
26 - A 'Jack' at the spinners factory.
27 - 'Flannel weaving by power, old style ( wide looms weaving several pieces in a breadth) also shawl weaving'.
28 - 'Flannel weaving by power, new style'.
29 - 'Power looms weaving fancy goods' with a man supervising.
30 - ' An ancient Pandy'.
31 - ' An ancient Pandy'.
32 - 'An ancient Pandy'.
33 - An 'Old time factory with staff'.
34 - 'Factory and staff'.
35 - Plan of factory.
36 - Interior image of ' willowing and carding machines'.
37 - 'Slubbing Billy'.
38 - 'Hand mule, hand loom for blankets, and cropping machine'.
39 - 'Hand loom for figured goods, with cardless dobby machine'.
40 - Close up of wooden 'fulling stocks'.
41 - 'Hand raising or napping'.
42 - A press.
43 - 'Stenter'.
44 - 'The dye-house with churn'.
2 - Photographs
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