Cyfernod / Ref NoCX288/2/1/29
Teitl / TitleChernobyl
Ddisgrifiad / DescriptionA file containing Council Papers; National Radiological Protection Board Papers; Newspaper Clippings; Press Releases; Y Swyddfa Gymreig | Welsh Office News and other Miscellaneous documents.

Council Papers:

Aberconway Council Minutes for the Environmental Health Committee - 16/7/1986 - 2 pages

Gwynedd County Council - 'Pollution on the North Wales Coastline' - 20/5/1986 + 23/5/1986

Gwynedd County Council - Snowdonia National Park Committee Meeting Agenda + 'Lessons of Chernobyl' - 25/6/1986 - Meeting took place 2/7/1986

Gwynedd Health Authority Papers - 'Incidents Involving Radiation in Gwynedd' - 20/6/1986

Department of Environment - Two documents that discuss the Sellafield Discharges - One is from December 1984 and the other is from April 1986.

County of South Glamorgan - Wales Nuclear Free Zones Forum - 13/6/1986 - 6 pages

National Parks Today - Issue 14 - Summer 1986

Unknown - Policy and Resources Committee - 10 pages - 30/7/1986

Dot Matrix Notes of Ivor Wynne Jones:

14 pages with various notes and topics discussed about the aftermath of Chernobyl all dated at different points in 1986.

National Radiological Protection Board Papers:

'Human Exposure to Radon Decay Products Inside Dwellings in the United Kingdom' - February 1983 - 41 pages

Article taken from one of the N.R.P.B's publications - 3 pages

Newspaper Clippings:

Communist Party of the Soviet Union - Publication of the Central Committee of the CPSU - 18/5/1986

Daily Post - 5/5/1986

Daily Post - 11/6/1986

Daily Post - 14/6/1986

Daily Post - 20/6/1986

Daily Post - 21/6/1986

Daily Post - 23/6/1986

Daily Post - 8/8/1986

Daily Telegraph (Manchester) - 25/6/1986

Daily Telegraph (Manchester) - 22/8/1986

Landowner - Newspaper of Agricultural and Allied Workers - August 1986

New Scientist - 17/7/1986

News of the World - 'Is there any hope for Chernobyl's heroes?' by Dorothy Taylor - 2 pages - 26/10/1986

Sunday Telegraph - 29/6/1986

Sunday Times - 4/5/1986

Sunday Times - 15/3/1987 - pp.22-30

The Guardian - 25/7/1986

The Observer - 22/6/1986

The Observer - 29/6/1986

The Observer - 'Chernobyl reacted to 'design fault' - 26/10/1986

Unknown Publication - 10/6/1986

Unknown Publication - 16/6/1986

Unknown Publication - 21/6/1986

Unknown Publication - 21/6/1986

Unknown Publication - 'Lamb Ban Lifted In Wales' by Godfrey Brown - 26/6/1986

Unknown Publication - 29/6/1986

Unknown Publication - 'Chernobyl has scared the tourists away' by Ioan Hughes - 1/8/1986

Unknown Publication - 'Fallout in sheep at double safety level' by David Lloyd - 20/12/1986

Western Mail - 6/5/1986

Press Releases:

Country Landowners Association (CLA) - 19/9/1986

CLA - 26/6/1986 - 2 pages

CLA - 27/6/1986

CLA - 23/7/1986

CLA - 11/8/1986

CLA - 15/8/1986 - 2 pages

CLA - 1/9/1986

CLA - 15/9/1986

CLA - 19/9/1986

Eurofocus - Commission of the European Communities - 'Intervention of Mr Clinton Davis on Chernobyl' - 15/5/1986 - 8 pages

Eurofocus - Commission of the European Communities - 19/5/1986

Eurofocus - Commission of the European Communities - June 1986

Joint Statement by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Secretary of Wales - 20/6/1986

National and Local Government Officers Association - Discussing Trawsfynydd Power Station - 2 pages - 3/2/1988

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food - 30/5/1986 - 10 pages

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food - 20/6/1986 - 6 pages

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food - 19/7/1986 - 13 pages

Unknown Source - 'Welsh Lamb Enterprise' - No date


'Human Exposure to Radon Decay Products' - Presented at the 52nd Conference of the National Society for Clean Air, Scarborough - Held on 14th - 17th October 1985 - 21 pages

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food - 'Directorate of Fisheries Research Aquatic Environment Monitoring Report No. 13' - 1985 - 46 pages

Future Prospects for the Production of Sheep and Lambs in Gwynedd - 23/11/1986

15 page essay by R. A. Page (BSc, CChem MRSC, Barrister at Law) (1985), 'Radioactivity Wales'

Sample Data - Samples from England and Wales starting date of samples is 13/5/1986

Sample Data - 'North Wales Restricted Area' - 14/6/1986 - 29/6/1986

Y Swyddfa Gymreig | Welsh Office News:

Starting date 13/5/1986 | final date 18/9/1986
Dyddiad / Date1983-1986
Graddau / Extent1 file
Lefel / LevelItem
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