Cyfernod / Ref NoCP1
Teitl / TitlePhotographs of the Reconstruction of Colwyn Bay Pier and Pavilion
Ddisgrifiad / DescriptionA series of nine photographs showing the progress of the engineering works:
constructing the girder frame, laying the platform, building the pavilion [interior and exterior views], concluding with view of completed structure from beach.
Engineers: Braithwaite & Co.
Surveyor & Engineer: W J Canning Esq.
Black and white prints.
Dyddiad / Date1923
Graddau / Extent1 part box
Lefel / LevelCollection
Amodau Mynediad / Access ConditionsThis collection is open for research. Access to some documents may be restricted due to Data Protection legislation, Conwy Archives will advise where this is the case. For details and opening hours see
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