Ddisgrifiad / Description | 1. John Hughes of 5 Garth Terrace, Bangor, surveyor, and James Porter of Conway, solicitor 2. John Edward Conway Jones of Tyn-yr-Erw, Conway, tailor 3. Elizabeth Jones of Cadwern, Conway, widow 4. David ___Grimaldi Davies of The Vicarage, Welshpool, Clerk in Holy Orders
Re piece of land (formerly part of Tal-y-sarn farm) in pa. of Llangwstenin, together with 4 dwellings & premises known as Nos. 4,5,6 & 7 Stanley Oak Terrace, and secondly a plot of land (formerly part of Bodlondeb Estate) in pa. of Conway 440 sq. yds, or thereabouts, together with dwelling, shop and premises (being part of Stanley Buildings) and called 'Stanley House', thirdly all that dwelling, shop and premises adjoining last described (being the remaining part of Stanley Buildings) for securing £700 |