Cyfernod / Ref NoCP676
Teitl / TitleConstruction of A544 road from Bylchau to Llanfairtalhaiarn via Llansannan
Ddisgrifiad / DescriptionPhotographs showing the building of the A544 from Bylchau to Llanfair TH via Llansannan. The 110 photographs have been grouped into three batches based upon the information originally written on the back: pictures taken between January 1927 and March 1928; pictures taken between June 1928 and October 1928; and undated pictures. Dates in square parentheses are based upon extrapolation of the original information, including possible negative numbers.
More information about the building of this road, including some of the photographs in this collection, can be found on pp83-86 of the book 'Bro Aled, Its People Past and Present' by Berwyn Evans (Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, 2014).
Dyddiad / Date1927-1928
Graddau / Extent1 part box
Lefel / LevelCollection
Amodau Mynediad / Access ConditionsAccess Conditions: This collection is open for research. Access to some documents may be restricted due to Data Protection legislation, Conwy Archives will advise where this is the case. For details and opening hours see
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